Tuesday 4 July 2017

HANDS-OFF-GOD Maradona accused of sexually harassing Russian journalist

RUSSIAN journalist has filed a formal complaint against football idol Diego Maradona accusing him of forcibly removing her dress during an interview, it’s been reported. maradona The 56-year-old Argentine legend denies the claim and his aides allege the reporter “started undressing herself” prompting HIM to call hotel security in St Petersburg. Ekaterina Nadolskaya, 30, said she had been in the lobby bar of his hotel when they started talking. “I asked him for an interview. He invited me to his room,” she said. A female friend accompanied her but soon left, according to her account in a complaint to the Russian Investigative Committee, seen as an equivalent of the FBI. “Maradona shut the door, and first starting answering my questions and then began harassing me,” she said. He forced off her dress and she “managed to stop the harassment only when she was in her underwear,” reported newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda. Maradona “even tried to take her dress off, and actually managed to do so.” She told SM News – for which she works – “I got scared and threatened him I would call the police. In turn, he called the hotel security service. “Three people carried me to the corridor. My belongings were left in the room. My phone was taken and not returned till three hours later.” She claimed that Maradona’s assistant later came and threw 500 dollars at her. The journalist complained she was forced to sit for three hours in only her underwear in the lobby of the five star hotel before her clothing was returned. “Employees of the hotel tried to kick her out but she insisted she would leave only with police,” reports Komsomolskaya Pravda.

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